Author: investprop_admin

Where to Invest in Edinburgh?

Central 1 bed flats have formed part our own investment strategy for the last 20 years and we have constantly recommended these as an entry level for any would be investor.
Tenant demand is constant due to Edinburgh having a large transient population and of course the increasing number of single person households.

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Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) Effect

Average property prices in east central Scotland have fallen by a half percentage in the period between April and June 2015, when compared with the same period last year, according to figures from ESPC. This comes in contrast to the 18% rocket in average house prices as seen in our April house price report.

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ESPC House Price Report


Figures released by ESPC for the three month period between March and May 2015 have revealed that the market in East Central Scotland is shifting in favour of the seller, as fewer new homes are being brought to sale compared with the same period last year.

While figures show a decrease of 3.9% in homes being put on the market, the first year-on-year decrease since 2013, there has also been an increase in sales.

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Increasing the Yield


Increasing the rental yield is of course a key component when looking at purchasing an investment property but increasing the yield on an existing property is often overlooked as landlords become settled with their investment and return.

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Calculating Yields


There are two fundamental forms of yield to be aware of when investing in property. One is Gross Yield and the other is Net Yield.
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